To redeem a Rogue Spoils voucher

  1. Create an account or sign in.
  2. From your account page, look for the Rogue Spoils section.
  3. Use the Redeem Code button to add a code you have received.
  4. Start using your Spoils!

How to use your Rogue Spoils

If you are logged in and your account has a Rogue Spoils balance available to spend, you will be able to choose to apply that balance to your order during checkout:

Rogue Spoils Terms & Conditions

  • All Rogue Spoils vouchers are not refundable and cannot be replaced if lost, damaged, or expired.
  • All items purchased using Rogue Spoils cannot be returned or exchanged.
  • Rogue Spoils vouchers are not refundable or exchangeable for cash.
  • Rogue Spoils vouchers cannot be applied to a paid order; no refunds in cash or Rogue Spoils vouchers will be applied once payment is received.
  • Rogue Discs reserves the right to vary/amend the privileges or terms and conditions without prior notice.
  • Rogue Spoils vouchers and discounts can be used concurrently.
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Your customer service has been extremely appreciated throughout this and is why I will always be searching Rogue first to see if you have what I’m looking for!

- Steve B.
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